“No one ever made a decision because of a number. They need a story.”

By Super Stories.

– Danny Kahnemann, Nobel Prize Winner Behavioural Economics. 

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    ‘Gentle Road Warrior’… Clyde Semmoh (1968 – 2021)

    Clyde Semmoh was a friend of the family. We’d been working together for over 15 years. Initially with Clyde as the daily go to stylist for CODE magazine, and over the more recent years within the context of Super Stories. Today is the day of his funeral. COVID complications took his life.


    Our top 7 tools for seamless online collaboration.

    It’s eerie, isn’t it? In just a matter of days, we’ve seen our world change dramatically. Each country is dealing with it in their own way. For us it means the streets of Amsterdam are the quietest they’ve ever been.


    Congratulations Andrea Venier: Recycrom is a true winner.

    Rivet 50 is Rivet Magazine’s annual list of the most influential people in denim. This year was the first time the public was invited to share their voice. Rivet received over 6,000 votes. The list was revealed today in print and on the Rivet 50 site. Andrea Venier is on the list of the 50 trailblazers for 2019.



    We’ve had the word written large on the wall of our office for over a year now.
    The letters used to be at home on the wall of a Belgium cinema. It was the 80s, we assume it was a porn cinema. So far so good.
